This month's featured Library Book:

Father Mike Schmitz addresses the teachings of the Catholic Church on the issue of same-sex attractions. With compassion and clarity he lays the foundations for understanding the role of sex in our lives. He shows the teachings of the Church are rooted in the yearnings for authentic love shared by all who are made in the image and likeness of God. 
Come borrow it today!


(English below)

Viens explorer ta foi!

Notre biblio contient au delà de 5000 livres et DVD et se concentre sur notre foi catholique, tel que les sacrements, la vie des saints etc. La biblio a aussi beaucoup de livres pour enfants ainsi que des livres de fiction catholique pour tous les âges. 

– La biblio est ouverte après toutes les messes du dimanche.  
– Si tu trouves qq’chose qui t’intéresse, signe la carte et place la sur le bureau.
– Nouveau membre?  Rempli la forme sur le bureau ou parle à un.e bénévole.
– Les nouveautés sont ajoutées périodiquement.


Check it out!

Our Library features books and DVD’s on our catholic faith such as the sacraments, euthanasia, lives of the saints etc. As well, we have many books for children. There are also Catholic fiction books for all ages.

-The library is open after all Sunday masses for your convenience.  
– Find something you are interested in, sign the card inside the book or DVD and leave it on the desk.
– New member? Fill in the form on the desk first or talk to the volunteer.
– New material is added frequently.